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449 Main Street

Tiny Travel Trailer

If you follow @handmakery on Instagram you know we LOVE creative camping and outdoor adventures! Here’s a mixed-media product & process we’ve always dreamed of making & creating with children! Thankful to have summertime to leap into delightful-n-dreamy workshops inside our sweet studio. Would you believe this week we’re launching ~ Early Bird Enrollment for Summer Art Camps!?! Take a peek into our creative & custom workshop ~ TINY TRAVELS: Trending Trailer + a Tailed Creature! Enjoy meeting a maker, peeking into the process, making your very own ~ Tiny Travel Trailer, and dream about joining us in the studio this summer!

Meet a Maker & Her Magical + Mobile Masterpiece:

A painterly peek into the process, as we travel with one magical maker & her “mobile mini masterpiece for a marvelous milestone in the mountains” with oh so tasty treats to tempt.

Seeing this little artist peeking into her very own handmade creation, completely captures a creative at heart! Love the wonder and magic of a creative-n-crafty childhood.

Thought we’d let you take a peek at some precious photos before diving into all the dreamy details of a DIY! Beyond thankful to have my talented photographer friend, Hilary Brock, creatively capture and curate these clever closeups with her camera! Thanks a million for being part of the magic, hip-hip-hooray to Hilary!

A peek into the production + painterly process inside our sweet studio following a magical maker:



ONE Construct your own ~ Tiny Travel Trailer using precut/heavy-weight cardboard pieces which include ~ Side 1 + Side 2 (handcrafted & handcut with mid-level windows which magically fold out with a lower ledge and above window overhang) + Trailer Front + Trailer Base. Construct and secure all four pieces into place with duct tape. We hope to make a cardboard custom kit with time! Open pre-cut windows outward, upward /downward and tape at an angle of choice using duct tape. Duct tape can easily be precut with scissors into small strips. Use cardboard pieces (precut to the width of the trailer) to create the contour of the roof. Keep the back of the trailer open for interior design exploration & hours of creative play.

TWO Once all cardboard pieces are secure with duct tape and the trailer has taken shape, simply mix up a batch of paper-mâché in a plastic bowl. Cut several short strips of newspaper pieces to have on hand. Lay down a plastic shower curtain for easy cleanup. Dip individual newspaper strips and remove the excess mixture with fingertips. Place strips of dipped newspaper onto cardboard. Smoothing out paper strips is key. Strips can be applied in multiple directions for added strength. With the strength of the heavy-weight cardboard beneath, as the armature, young artists will only need to tackle 1-2 layers of paper-mâché. Dry fully sculpture on plastic egg cartons. Repeat the paper-mâché process as desired and be sure sculpture is fully dry before painting.

THREE Paint the trailer, both inside and outside, with a heavy-bodied white acrylic and wide brush to get a solid-n-sleek finish. Completely dry. Cut a large white piece of heavy-weight paper for the interior floor & ceiling, to give the interior a crisp-clean finish. Hot glue paper into place. Move to the exterior, use a ruler or straight edge to divide the upper and lower by forming a traditional vintage trailer zig-zag with a pencil. Mix up a vintage tint (color + white) for the lower half of the trailer. Paint. Dry. Use silver acrylic to steadily detail the traditional zig-zag horizontally on both sides.

FOUR Add dazzling details around the windows to personalize and accent. This amazing artist used pom pom ribbon as her darling accent, but other artists used pom poms, felt, ribbons, and more! Paper straws can be cut to size to prop the window overhangs and to steady the window ledge. Simply measure the straws for the windows, cut with scissors, and glue.

FIVE Artists made tasty-n-tiny treats, total mouthwatering treasures, sculpting their clever creations using clay ~ muffins, lollipops, pretzels, cotton candy, snow cones, pizzas, caramel apples, churros, cookies, milkshakes, smoothies, and more! Once treats were dry, they were carefully painted using a tiny brush and acrylic paint and sealed with some shimmer.

SIX Artists also created artistic menus to “melt a mama’s heart” using hand-drawn illustration and their heart-warming handwriting. These menus were personalized with colored pencils, markers, and/or chalk markers on blackboards (heavy-weight paper painted with black acrylic) or just heavy-weight white paper. Peek into this playful picture to see how this mini maker illustrated each of her handmade tasty treats!

SEVEN Another fancy detail! Add two traditional “wings” using copper foil, “wheels” can be created using black sticky foam with copper foil for the center, “exterior lights” can be made using sticky foam, and handcrafted “license plates” can be personalized & playful. If you don’t want to buy an entire roll of copper foil, metallic duct tape, sticky foam, foil, or cutting a lightweight tin might be just perfect!

EIGHT Artists can also artfully add to their trailer’s interior! Simple ideas include artwork, rugs, curtains, built-ins, and moveable furniture items such as tables and chairs made from up-cycled items such as cardboard, cardboard tubes, and fabrics to compliment.

A peek inside our studio at 449 Main Street in the heart of the Carbondale Creative District in downtown Carbondale, Colorado!

This is the mouse that sells all the tasty treats out of a ~ Tiny Travel Trailer! Each mouse was artfully inspired by artist ~ Vanessa Cabban. We artfully adore Vanessa’s use of text and fabric for all her playful paper-mâché clever critter creations, especially her much-loved mouse ~ Evangeline!

On a side note, how adorable is this Anthropologie ~ Mini Camper Play House to compliment a road trip custom cardboard creation for indoor and outdoor play!?!

An artful adventure awaits at the outdoor art show for artists:

Artists skipped their handmade sculptures over to the local park for a little outdoor art show to celebrate their colorful summer camp creations!

Even though this beautiful day quickly turned into a radiant rainstorm, literally just as artists set up for the art show in the grass, big smiles still radiated “undercover”! Thank you to this magic maker for letting us follow her artful adventure in HANDMAKERY’S ~ Summer {hands on + mixed media} Art Camp.

Thank you for joining us for a peek into a wondrous week with magical makers {inside & outside} our sweet & playful studio.

Tag us @handmakery with your creations on Instagram!  We’d love to see what delightful details you add to this summery + scrumptious + sculptural process with kids! Follow our blog for more inspiring process-based art projects!  As always, thank you for following our artful adventure on Main Street in the heart of the Carbondale Creative District!  Please send us a note anytime!  We’d love to hear what you’re thinking, dreaming, envisioning, and creating!  Much love and happiness creating in this creative + colorful world filled with collaboration + connection + community + arts & crafting!


Hello from HANDMAKERY!

Happy Back to School! We hope you’ve celebrated a savory + sweet + splendid summer! At the end of May, HANDMAKERY: A Children’s Art Studio received approval to proceed with in-person/in-studio/imaginative ~ Summer {hand on + mixed media + magical} Art Camps, navigating under NEW safety protocol. In early June, our studio hosted our first summer camp ~ TINY HOME ON TREND for children 6 & up, with many more constructive + creative + childhood-centered camps to follow! Every camp was on a waiting list and we can’t even begin to thank all our lovely locals for all their small business support! Looking back, it may have been one of the most magical + memorable summers with makers on Main Street! Creativity and childhood was completely celebrated in our colorful community of Carbondale, Colorado!

Focused on the forefront of safety in the studio & success for all artists this summer, HANDMAKERY stepped away from social media to take a fresh breath of mountain-air, but we’re incredibly excited to reconnect and soar into our ~ SCHOOL YEAR {hands on + mixed media + magical} ART WORKSHOP with a summer of safety and success in our painter’s pocket. We’re looking forward to re-kindling creativity & connection with YOU on Instagram.

Many of our specialty art workshops have recently launched for early bird enrollment. Definitely message us to get on our lovely ~ Local’s List. We’re thrilled to continue {in-person + in-studio + imaginative} art programming this fall, applying & adapting our experience from summer in the studio! You can simply learn more about our studio safety on our website. On a side note, be sure to also look for us in the upcoming MOUNTAIN PARENT!

Summer brought sunshine + smiles + simplicity + savory moments + soulful celebration + simple reconnection + satisfying success for all artists in the studio. We’re excited to give you a glimpse into our makers in the mountains, with momentum for magical moments!

YES, indeed! Even with mysterious masks, everyday was most mesmerizing! Would you believe, not one artist ever complained about wearing a mask all summer!?! Truth. We were amazed!. Artists were completely focused on the miracle of being a maker and it was magical! The studio buzzed with crafty-n-creative bees. Being back together again was absolutely the BEST!

In addition to instructing summer workshop in our very own sweet studio throughout the summer, HANDMAKERY also had the opportunity to create an online workshop for art educators around the world for our friends at Deep Space Sparkle in Santa Barbara, CA. This workshop was based on our in-studio/virtual springtime workshop for local kids ~ artful + abstract ASSEMBLAGE on canvas. A few precious pieces pictured by parents, above!

We also had the artful opportunity to teach another fun-filled summer workshop of printmaking (in-studio/in-person) to children at Anderson Ranch Art Center in Snowmass, CO. Would you believe our printmaking workshop, titled well over a year ago, was called ~ Dancing Behind the Mask!?! Literally, before anyone even knew we’d truly be dancing behind masks today! We can’t even wait to see what’s around the creative corner this upcoming year school year!

All precious projects, radiating laughter & L-O-V-E, and created in our {hands on + mixed media} summer art camps… we’ll share DIY STYLE on our blog throughout this upcoming year! Be sure to stay tuned for more creativity-to-come focused on a creative-n-crafty + imaginative + playful childhood!

Tag us on Instagram with your indoor + outdoor creative spaces and colorful + clever creations.  We’d absolutely LOVE to see what you’re making and creating inside and outside!  As always, thank you for following our artful adventure on Main Street in the heart of the Carbondale Creative District!  Send us a note!  We’d love to hear what you’re thinking, dreaming, envisioning, and of course, our favorite ~ CREATING!

Much love and happiness creating in this creative + colorful world, filled with collaboration + connection + community + arts & crafting! Happy School Year!

Summer for our family was filled with colorful Colorado ~ close-to-home camping, fun-filled photography, river floats & creek fishing, small-sized celebrations (my sweet daughter 11 and my beloved grandfather 91), creating in the studio with creative-n-clever children, road biking on the Rio Grande, a few favorite hikes, peach picking, paddle boarding, and more micro-adventures in the mountains! What have you been up to this summer!?! We’d love to know! …and YES, we just had to show you our artful overalls!

xo Ami

Art Making + Lindsay Jones Exhibit

A peek into our studio on First Friday in the heART of the Carbondale Creative District celebrating Dia de los Muertos in downtown Carbondale | CO!

Click to see all the artful action as artists created “in the style of” our guest artist ~ Lindsay Jones!

A collection of 30 pieces on our gallery wall created by local artist ~ Lindsay Jones!  This collection will display through December!  Lindsay is a contemporary artist, surface pattern designer, and graphic designer. She works in a variety of media including drawing, painting, digital art, sculptural constructions, and installations. Her fine art work reflects on ideas of landscapes and environments that are built, altered, shaped, and manipulated, while using playful patterns and abstracted imagery. When Lindsay is not working, you can find her outside camping, exploring remote lands, mountain biking in the desert, or racing cyclocross, all of which inspire her creative work.

A sculptural piece created by Lindsay Jones in her Pattern Recognition collection.  Artists of all ages created “in the style of Lindsay” as they made flags in her unique style and color pallet.


Discover more about Lindsay Jones and pop into her shop to purchase her beautiful pieces featured in our gallery located at 449 Main Street in downtown Carbondale | CO in the heART of the Carbondale Creative District!

Tag us @handmakery with your creations on Instagram!  Follow our blog for more inspiring process-based art projects!  As always, thank you for following along on this artful adventure!  Send us a note anytime!  We’d love to hear what you’re thinking and dreaming!  Much love and happiness creating in this creative + colorful world full of collaboration + community!  

xo Ami

DIY Pet Portraits with Personality

My fabulous art students created a project personally dreamed-up and designed called ~ Pet Portraits with Personality.  With moving our studio to Main Street last summer, life got a little beyond busy so thank you for your patience with just getting this project out!  With fall in the air and back to school really here, thought it would be the perfect time of year to share this fun favorite with you!

Pet Portraits with Personality was a huge project created with children ages 10 – 14!  The artwork, 120 finished pieces, were then used for a local circulator bus (yes, a REAL BUS!!!) and a collection of 35+ community “bear-proof” cans.  Both the bus and can projects were designed to bring more art to the heART of our historic downtown!  So proud of each artist and their unique creation, contributed to both of these colorful community projects!  So happy to see our community come together to support both kid-friendly + child-focused art projects!  The artwork has brought a great deal of humor, color, and a whole lot of creativity to our community of Carbondale | Colorado at the heART of the Carbondale Creative District!  Don’t you just love how childhood and creativity completely collide, to completely capture community and collaboration!?!  Take a peek!





HIGHLIGHTS:  Unveiling Ceremony


Read a fantastic article highlighting all the details about these upcycled Bear-Proof Cans wrapped with student artwork located throughout downtown!  Would you believe there are over 35+ cans throughout our community!?!  A huge thank you to the Town of Carbondale for taking on this project.  This particular can is located right across from our studio at 449 Main Street!  The day the install happened was just beyond exciting to watch out our windows!


  • Pencil + eraser
  • Scissors
  • Gluestick
  • Realistic animal face photos for inspiration
  • Sketch paper + final paper + tracing paper + watercolor paper cut to size
  • India Ink
  • Watercolors including both liquid and traditional pallets
  • Watercolor brushes + water container
  • Lightbox or window
  • Colored pencils, permanent markers, acrylic paint, colored paper for additional details!


ONE  Select a realistic animal and dream up your animal’s expressive personality.  Create several mini sketches focusing on the face, head, and shoulders.

TWO  Finalize your favorite sketch selection into a drawing, again with a focus on the face or upper body. Humanize your animal by adding human-like features, ex. eyes, mouths, shoulders, costuming and fun accessories, yet keeping a bit simplified, as individually drawn pieces will need to be drawn and cut out.

THREE  Finalized your favorite animal drawing to a specific vertical paper size, fill the space by going big and focused in.

FOUR  Trace each section of your drawing onto tracing paper at a window or lightbox.  Separate out each layer.  For example, the glasses would be a separate “drawn and cutout piece” from the face, to then overlay on top of the face.  Start with the largest shapes first, such as the face, neck, and shoulders.  It is very helpful to create bigger shapes to smaller shapes, working background to foreground.

FIVE  Place the tracing paper shapes behind the final watercolor paper at the window or lightbox.  Trace images onto heavy-weight watercolor paper in pencil.  Again, all individual pieces that make up the complete animal, will be all drawn as separate pieces.  The photos, above and below, should help with the visual understanding.

SIX  Before cutting apart, use India Ink and a small brush to outline all the separate pieces.  Remember to vary the line quality to keep your pieces more painterly so they capture both thick and thin for a more handcrafted flair.  Dry.

SEVEN  Plan out a color scheme- complementary, analogous, warm or cool, intermediate, triad, or monochromatic for the overall piece.  The color scheme should include the background.

EIGHT  Using watercolors, which could be liquid or traditional pallets style, paint each piece remembering to dry between colors.  Dry all pieces.  Cut apart all individual pieces following the outer edge ink so the varied edge lines are preserved.  Use a heavier weight watercolor paper to create a vibrant wash for the background.  Dry.

NINE  Assemble all the separate cutout/painted pieces using a heavy duty glue stick.

TEN  Onto delightful details!  Add highlights in eyes using white acrylic paint.  Add swirls using colored pencil or permanent marker by using a similar color.  Add texture and additional delightful detail.  Use cut paper shapes, ex. stripes or polka dots to create a contrasting background to pop the creature!  Most importantly, create a pet with personality and humor that comes to life with color, contrast, and human-like features!

A PEEK:  Into the Planning Process of the Bus




CPAC Carbondale Public Arts Commission

RFTA Roaring Fork Transportation Authority

Town of Carbondale

Carbondale Middle School

… for making these two community projects, completely focused on kid art, come together for our community!

Tag us @handmakery with your creations on Instagram!  Would love to see your ~ Pet Portraits with Personality!  Follow our BLOG for more inspiring process-based art projects!  As always, thank you for following along on this artful adventure in beautiful Carbondale | CO at 449 Main Street!  Send us a note or contact us anytime at!  Much love and happiness creating!  xo Ami

Art Workshops + Studio Peek + First Friday

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.  – Pablo Picasso


Workshops + Classes + Events start September 4th, 2018!    


DATE:  September 7th | First Friday 6 – 8 PM

EVENT:  HANDMAKERY’S 1st Year in NEW Location Celebration + First Friday + FREE Art Making to Connect with Exhibit + Open Studio + Gallery Exhibit!

EXHIBIT:  Swedish afar artist, Gina Vide of Willowday, and her creations for upcoming book ~ ABC Flower Safari!  Gina’s work will incorporate playful + whimsical animals, flowers, paint, illustration, and typography all captured through photography!  All ages will love this beautiful + delicate + detailed exhibit!  Read more about Gina Vide!

LOCATION:  HANDMAKERY located at 449 Main Street in beautiful + historic downtown Carbondale | CO at the heART of the Carbondale Creative District!




LISTEN to hear more about our art program!

Keep checking HANDMAKERY.COM as additional programming will continue to be added throughout the year!  Programming will include: children’s weekly art workshops for expanded ages, arts + craft evenings for children/adults/ladies/couples + family, holiday art making, art camps, open studio, one-of-a-kind birthday parties + special celebrations + customized events, specialty summer workshops, special guests + speakers, pop up events, and more!  What would you like to see offered?  We’ll let you in on a secret… our first Ladies Art Night is coming soon! Take a VIRTUAL VIDEO TOUR of our studio!


Featuring ~ Children’s Art Workshops, Mini Maker Mornings, Birthday Parties, Adult Arts & Crafts Nights, and First Fridays & Pop Up Events!  Take a peek, below!




So far, thirty, one-of-a-kind parties have been hosted in our studio in our first year on Main Street!  Get your special event on our events calendar!  No date is too early to pencil in!  Send us an email and let us know what you’re dreaming!


Our first ~ Ladies Art Night is coming soon!  Create a personalized account or contact us to get on the wishlist!


We hope to see you at September’s First Friday on Main Street and in the art studio soon!  It’s truly such a wonderful way to discover your community and connect!  Tag us @handmakery with your creations on Instagram!  Follow our blog for more inspiring process-based art projects!  As always, thank you for following along the artful adventure in beautiful downtown Carbondale | CO at 449 Main Street!  Send us a note anytime at to let us know what you’re thinking and dreaming!  We’d love to hear your ideas!  Much love and happiness creating!  xo Ami

Forever Fishbowl

Excited to share with you a project recently dreamed up, designed, created, and of course, constructed in our very own downtown art studio!  Take a BIG splash into our ~ DIY Forever Fishbowls!  This project was created, carried out, and creatively constructed in several of our mixed age, six-week, after school, hands-on + mixed media, art workshops creating with young artists!

Beyond excited to also announce hands on + mixed media + NEW ART WORKSHOPS START NEXT WEEK for a wide array of ages!  Hop on over to ENROLL AT HANDMAKERY.COM as spaces are quickly filling!  While visiting, peek at new photos on our site and IG feed!

As you can clearly see, artists used a wide array of mixed media to bring their vision to life!  Below, you’ll discover all you need to create your very own ~ DIY Forever Fishbowl.  The big + beautiful bonus, you’ll never send a fish into fishy heaven, EVER EVER EVER again.  YES, this fishy will truly live F-O-R-E-V-E-R and children LOVE this fact!  Like, XOXOXO times a million or LOVE for a lifetime!

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Art Workshops + Weaving with Kids

Happy New Year!!!  Looking back, one of our most favorite workshops for children included ~ wee Wondrous Weavings on Wooden Looms!  Oh my, the possibilities of textile design!  These mini-masterpieces were created by 6 – 10-year-old artists!  Our NEW ~ 2018 Winter Art Workshop Brochure is hot-of-the-press!  Workshops start early January, yes this week and they’re filling up fast, just hop on over to our simple SIGN UP!  If you’re looking for hands-on + mixed media + creative expression + an artful highlight to each week + a chance to meet new families and friends JOIN US + ENROLL TODAY!  You can also connect with us on Instagram @handmakery to keep an eye on what we’re creating in the studio from special art events to birthday parties, and of course everything in between at our NEW art studio located at 449 Main Street in Carbondale | CO in the heart of the Carbondale Creative District!


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